UA is now accepting Venmo for charitable donations:
- Search “@UAGiving” under charities in your Venmo mobile app
- Visit our Venmo page in your web browser.
- Or, use our QR code.

- Once the @UAGiving account is selected, please specify in the comment box your name and the designation of your gift.
NOTE: We will make our best effort to identify you in our fundraising system by matching your name and email address that is provided by Venmo. If we are unable to find a match, your gift will be coded as anonymous. If the designation cannot be identified, it will go to The University’s general scholarship fund.
If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Blanchard at 205-348-6718 or via email. You are encouraged to leave a voice message or email message if no one answers; messages will be checked at least twice daily. If you need immediate assistance, please call 205-348-5370.