Gifts of securities to The University of Alabama are welcome.

Instructions on how to make a gift of securities are as follows:

Information for Electronic Stock Transfer to The University of Alabama via Raymond James.
RJ Account# 29436718
DTC# 0725
Tax ID# 63-6001138 The University of Alabama
Broker Address Raymond James
2900 Highway 280, Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35223
Broker Telephone 205-802-4210


Please contact the University via mail, e-mail, facsimile, or telephone regarding the purpose of the gift (i.e. name of the University fund into which the stock proceeds should be deposited) when the transfer is made. If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Blanchard at 205-348-6718. You are encouraged to leave a voice message or email message if no one answers; messages will be checked at least twice daily. The facsimile number is 205-348-8114. Please send email notifications to

UA is grateful to Raymond James for waiving their fees to process your gift. Thank you for your support of The University of Alabama.